Steve and Melanie (or Mel) live a few blocks apart in the village of Dersingham in Norfolk. They share a common joy in singing and playing their respective instruments, guitar and keyboard, although neither would claim to be expert.  In recent years, they have helped lead modern worship, as part of a small music team, at St Nicholas Church, Dersingham for a weekly all-age, family-oriented service know as ‘The Gathering’.  They have also, together and separately, led local community Singalongs of past popular songs for small groups in gardens, church halls and care homes.

Since the start of the first Covid-19 lockdown they turned their attention to making recordings and lyric videos for incorporation into the weekly Online Worship put out by our local Church. This approach to recording using relatively simple equipment and software from their separate homes and then mixing it all together has suited their separate lifestyles, to the extent that they have continued to do, even when the level of restrictions lessened.  Although focusing mainly on songs for worship to date, it is hoped to record songs of a more general nature in the future.  Scroll down to see our currently available YouTube Playlists.

Please email: or why not search for and join our 'Dersingers' Facebook group page.

Videos/Playlists may also be located directly on YouTube App by searching for 'Dersingers'.